Click and Collect at Doweys
Our click and collect service is designed to make your weekly meat shop as easy as possible!
All orders placed before 12 noon will be ready for collection after 2pm same day.
Orders placed after 12 noon will be ready next day.
If ordered on a Saturday after 12noon or on a Sunday it will be ready for collection after 2pm on Monday.
If you wish to request a different delivery date we are happy to take your order in advance.
We will send you an email confirmation that your order is ready for collection. We will require proof of your order such as email confirmation on your phone, or a printed receipt. This is to ensure the right person collects your order.
We anticipate to make the collection process as quick as possible.
Car parking is easily available outside our shop for up to 60 minutes. This has recently improved with parking enforcement as our street was choked with all day parking. Alternatively there is longer stay parking behind clear pharmacy.
Any orders made online for Christmas Produce are available for collection on the 22nd and 23rd December.