Our Sourcing

Doweys farmed the rolling fields of Ballynagarrick, Gilford, just outside Lurgan for many years.
These skills were reflected in the buying of Store Cattle to be grass fed and fattened on the farm.
The selection of superior young cattle and their conformation and husbandry laid the foundation for our shop. Today we concentrate on our service and butchery skills to provide our customer with a quality product.

We source our beef from the local surrounding area especially from local farmers in the green and rolling pastures of Dungannon and County Tyrone Area. Proof of this is available on the counter inside our shop. We have been working with the same supplier for years in order to refine the grading specification that we want.  We carefully mature (hang) all our own beef for at least 3 weeks to allow the flavour and tenderness to fully develop and guarantee the optimum eating quality. It is professionally table trimmed by our own butchers to our high standards ensuring the maximum tenderness and flavour. Ideally we specify young Blonde_d'Aquitaine <a title=""Blonde_d'Aquitaine"" href=""http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blonde_d'Aquitaine"" target=""_blank"">Charolais</a> and <a title=""Limousin"" href=""http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Limousin_(cattle)"" target=""_blank"">Limousin</a> including cross breeds as these provide a superior shape and
leanness that leads to a melt in your mouth texture. From time to time we may also have <a title=""Simmental"" href=""http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simmental_cattle"" target=""_blank"">Simmental</a>, <a title=""Aberdeen Angus"" href=""http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aberdeen_Angus"" target=""_blank"">Aberdeen Angus</a>, <a title=""Belgian Blue"" href=""http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belgian_Blue"" target=""_blank"">Belgian Blue</a>, <a title=""Blonde d'Aquitaine"" href=""http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blonde_Aquitaine"" target=""_blank"">Blonde d'Aquitaine</a> and their cross breeds.

All our Beef is reared on Northern Ireland Farms and they belong to the Northern Ireland Retail Quality Assured Scheme. <a title=""FQAS"" href=""http://www.lmcni.com/fqas/"" target=""_blank"">Read more about Farm Quality Assured Scheme</a> from the <a title=""LMCNI"" href=""http://www.lmcni.com"" target=""_blank"">Livestock and Meat Marketing Commission (LMCNI)</a>

We can provide ""pop up timers"" which give a estimation of cooking times for your roast. This may also be used in Lamb, Pork, Chicken and Beef.
We source our lamb from dungannon, and prepare it on the premises. We compliment traditional lamb cuts with our range of marinades and sauces. <a title=""LMCNI"" href=""http://www.lmcni.com"" target=""_blank"">The Livestock and Meat Marketing Commission (LMCNI) </a>offers more recipe ideas for Beef and Lamb

We source our lamb from Dungannon and the surrouding area. We have boneless and bone in chops and joints.[/caption]
<h2>Pork &amp
We buy our pork from a local supplier in Portadown and Ballymena. We enter the<a title=""NI Pork"" href=""http://www.nipork.com/"" target=""_blank""> Ulster Pork and Bacon Forum</a> Competitions and support our local pig industry.
We buy chicken from Cullybackey and Richhill and our skilled butchers bone out in our purpose designed boning hall. We source our free range chicken.